Clinical Career Subscription Sign Up

Currently, Regular Membership to Clinical Career is not charged. You should not be asked for payment in our sign up process.


Membership Level

You have selected the Regular membership level.

Subscription to Clinical Career is currently without charge. You are taking out REGULAR subscription. You need this level of subscription to access articles. You will not be charged for this subscription.

The price for membership is £0.00 now.

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Membership Terms

Terms & Conditions of Membership

These are the terms & conditions for holding Regular Membership of Clinical Career from Insights Publishing.



  1. Sign up is considered acceptance of these terms & conditions
  2. By signing up, you will hold REGULAR  Membership of Clinical Career
  3. Regular Membership is presently free and so you will not be charged, neither now nor at any subsequent renewal
  4. You may cease your membership at any time
  5. If you cease your membership, you will not automatically by entitled to Regular Membership at no charge in the future



  1. We will strive at all times to maintain appropriate security of your data
  2. We will never share your details with any unrelated third parties
  3. We will always strive to ensure that content is accurate and will amend it where we discover otherwise
  4. Content is provided for informational and learning purposes only and no guarantee is offered or liability accepted for circumstances arising out of accessing or acting on that content



  1. You will not use Clinical Career for any commercial purpose whatsoever (defined as any purpose you can reasonably expect to derive a financial or commercial benefit from)
  2. If you post commercial content without permission (defined as any content you can reasonably expect to derive a financial or commercial benefit from), you agree by default to a £250 + VAT charge for said content, payable on demand and remaining payable regardless of subsequent removal of the content
  3. You agree to receive general emails from Clinical Career, which we will ensure are periodic and not greater in frequency than 8 in any single month


We hope you enjoy your Membership of Clinical Career.